Thank You For Visiting My Site
Thank you for taking the time to visit my site. I hope you've enjoyed your virtual vacation through time and space as you browsed each page of my website. If you have any questions, or if you would like to send me a comment, please feel free to do so. My email address is . I am proud to announce that I am launching another Australian web project called "Aussieisms." Aussieisms, set to debut on September 1, 2004, is a tribute to contemporary Aussie life. Here you will learn about the aussie lifestyle in the cities and on stations, get recipes for classic Aussie food, learn Aussie slang, and see pictures of landmarks and indigenous animals. I will update this site with the URL as soon as I have completed the website. In the meantime, whenever you need to take a break from life, come back here and take another virtual vacation to the land down under, and bring your friends! Thanks again, and be sure to visit the links below to learn more about OZ.

Top: Face view of Uluru. Left: A rainy day at the base of Uluru. Right: A rock formation at Kjata-Tjuta.
Uluru and Kjata-Tjuta are the weathered remnants of a vast mountain range that once occupied the center of Australia. Uluru and Kjata-Tjuta were called Ayer's Rock and The Olgas, respectively, until the Australian government returned the monuments to their traditional Aboriginal owners in 1986.
Search Engines
MSN Australia/New Zealand
Classic MSN web content geared to the antipodean resident.
Yahoo Australia/ New Zealand
Yahoo Australia/New Zealand searches just Oz, New Zealand, or the whole world, at your command. Much of the content here will direct you back to the American site.
Just because it's fun. Google searches all the internet search engines at the same time, so you don't have to spend hours looking for the right resource.
Favorite Sites
Australian Travel Website
The official website of the Australian Tourist Commission
Culture Shock! Australia by Ilsa Sharp
A book for the would be migrant by an English migrant from Maylasia. A must read if you want to know everything about the Aussie lifestyle.
In a Sunburned Country, by Bill Bryson
Comedic travel writer Bill Bryson hits home with this book about his epic journey through Australia. Classic Bryson style- insightful and funny. I highly recommend this book, even if you aren't planning on going to Oz anytime soon.
The Age- Melbourne's Newspaper
One of the two major daily papers for Melbourne, Victoria.
Sydney Morning Herald
The Sydney Morning Herald- Sydney's daily newspaper
The Crocodile Hunter
Link to the official website of World Famous Steve, Terri, and Bindi Irwin and the Australia Zoo Crew!
Aussie Homes
Ever wonder what Aussie homes look like? View homes in any city, in any price range, anywhere in Australia. If you're looking to buy an Aussie home or if you are just interested, take a look.
Walkabout Australian Travel Guide
Another great Aussie website. Everything from flights to tourists attractions, travelers' tips and tales, and an A to Z guide about every city and town in Australia
The KangarooShowcase
A collection of the most popular and most visted websites on the Australian web. Everything from cricket to Suburu.